The excellent SEO (Sociedad Espanola de Ornitologia, the Spanish partner of BirdLife International) is having a vote for their bird of the year and the choice offered is between Iberian Grey Shrike, Common Swift and Montagu’s Harrier. Last year the successful species was Quail (which was also up against Montagu’s Harrier and Iberian Grey Shrike).
It’s a big thing in New Zealand where the bird of the year vote has been running since 2005 and generates huge amounts of publicity. There the Kakapo was the 2020 winner (list of annual winners – click here).
Australia has elected their Magpie (2017) and Black-throated Finch (2019) in what seems a more sporadic and lower key event.
Will the UK ever have such a vote or would the Robin win every year?