I normally give Countryfile a swerve, until someone tells me there was something horrific on it, or the horrific thing is me, but last Sunday I had to watch it as it featured my adopted neck of the woods – the Nene Valley in Northants.
It was quite good (as was the bit on fisheries, but I haven’t caught up with Josh Styles yet). There was a wildlife-friendly farmer (and the cry in our living room was ‘Isn’t he like his father?!’), and a nice rescue dog that finds people who are still (I hope he doesn’t sniff me out at Stanwick Lakes any time), and some stuff about saving Northampton from floods and the problems of the folk at Billing when the floods came a little while back (and I know some of those people too). The Nene Valley looks quite attractive from the air!
Now which valley is that? The Nene is definitely not pronounced like the Hawaian Goose (Nay-Nay), but as mentioned by Tom Heap it can be pronounced ‘Neen’ or ‘Nenn’, not at random but depending how far up or down the river you are; ‘Nenn’ up river and ‘Neen’ down river, and the boundary has shifted over the years.
I live in the ‘Nenn’ bit and Rushden and Diamonds used to play at ‘Nenn’ Park, but the ‘Neen’ isn’t far away and the RSPB nature reserve is definitely at the ‘Neen’ Washes. If I had got further with the book I am writing on the Nene valley you would know all about that – but it is a project on-hold at the moment. The book is about one third finished. I intend to come back to it – but we’ll see.
I often glance over the Nene Valley when I should be concentrating on the road especially at the points where the A605 crosses the Nene just outside Oundle. Possibly I’m hoping to spot Mr Crabtree and Peter landing a fat chub but I never do. Trouble is, even though I hope otherwise, Wisbech is always at the far end.
Gilbert, what’s happened to your photo ID ?.
Dunno, Tarpit. Sometimes it shows up, sometimes not – like the dustman. It’s one of them mysteries of the Universe.
Google “uneeda slicker boy”, Images – it should be at the top
Are you using the same email address each time? The thumbnail icon is usually linked to that.
I know I sometimes forget which disposable, unnecessary, email address I use to satisfy the form.
Coming from Wellingborough I’m definitely in the Nenn camp, but always wondered where the change occurred.
I know that my Uncle Don changed when he moved from Earls Barton to Sutton Bridge but I’ve never delved further than that.
I’ll look out for the book in the future.
Gary – yep, you grew up a Nenner for sure. Quite right too!
Mind you when I lived on Kenn Moor in North Somerset(Avon) I did learn how to keech the rhynes.
Like you Mark I tend to give Countryfile a miss. I think it is rather shallow and tries to be all things to all people.
Will watch the programme on iplayer
I usually watch the programme, yes its sometimes facile and occasionally but not occasionally enough very, very annoying. that’s usually when its got obvious NFU or CA input. Also if various countryside skills were really easy enough such that presenters could really make a fist of it, that particular skill would probably not be a dying art. That apart it is sometimes OK and I’m usually cooking or eating anyway. Sundays I found quite interesting, with nothing that made me inwardly cringe or swear.
Nen if you are from Higham Ferrers, we talk proper round hereabouts.
Looking forward to the book Mark.
Countryfile, not keen, has there ever been an edition that didn’t have sheep in it?