I hadn’t seen the Blackcap(s) in my garden for a week but yesterday I did see one, so they are still around. My Birdtrack records show that most of my sightings are in January and February but a few linger into March. Last year was the first that it appeared that the wintering birds turned into a breeding pair (or at least a singing male) but whether or not they were the same birds I have no idea. I wonder what will happen this year.
Hi mark.
Ringing and other studies, have shown that our winter Blackcaps are from mainland Europe – eg Germany, and not our summering birds. Mid March could easily be the cross-over period. Winterers do sing – the one in our garden has been singing on and off for a week or so. I anticipate that he will stop and migrate within the next week or so, and we will get a new one for the summer. Last year the initial big influx was March 16th, the day I cycled to the office for the last time to clear my desk for home-working; I could tell based on where birds were singign that day comparedd to where I had seen/heard them occassionally through the winter.
Likewise Mark, I have had a pair of blackcaps in my garden this winter and recently the male (I assume it is the male of the pair) has been singing briefly.
We have had many interesting and special birds in and around the garden this winter including a Great White Egret seen daily at the moment ( From not in), Teal and hordes of Siskins but sadly no Blackcaps should I feel deprived, I rather doubt it.