Robin Page has fallen out with some more people – but don’t worry, it’s all their fault and he is writing another book.

Well, that’s part of Robin’s side of the story.

The Countryside Restoration Trust website doesn’t seem to have noticed that he has gone, referring to Robin still as its ‘current executive chairman’. I’m sure I speak for all when I implore the CRT to reinstate Robin (if that is what is needed) – we don’t need another book like this one – see review here.
Well, that’s him buggered then.
Hum! Interesting I wonder what an a disinterested view of the situation is. Mr Page as far as my experience goes of his reporting is concerned, he is a strong advocate of Driven Grouse Shooting and other “countryside sports” (very nasty blood sports). He also tends to be a bit biased, and not at all sympathetic to conservation organisations like the RSPB. So I am not sure I will be too upset over his being “drummed out of the brownies”..
“He also tends to be a bit biased, and not at all sympathetic to conservation organisations like the RSPB”.
To put it mildly!
He is a long time member of the RSPB. Get your facts right.
“He also tends to be a bit biased” crikey!! You lot saying that?? Pot. Kettle. Black.
Met him twice, Terry Pickford will remember one of those occasions I’m sure. Odious, blinkered toad is the politest I can come up with. An irrelevance to real conservationists, many of whom will be smiling at the news, at least inwardly. Let him write another book, nobody will read his bile anyway.
Seems as though some Robin supporters read this blog and the comments. They must be more educated than one had thought. Robin himself of course still lives in the Victorian or is that Georgian era with his happy attitudes to predators, wildlife management, country sadism to wildlife, oh sorry traditional country sports and johnny foreigner. I don’t mind the dislikes but they rarely have the brass neck to share their opinions, says all we need to know about them.
Perhaps the dislikes are from regular readers of this blog who don’t like your obvious delight at someone else’s misfortune?
I don’t like Robin Page as a person and I disagree vehemently with many of his views. That doesn’t stop me from recognising
the contribution he has made to nature conservation in the UK through the work of the CRT. I wish there were more CRT managed farms, British nature would be all the better for it.
He was rude and obnoxious on both occasions we met and cost me a job. I’m not especially delighted in his current misfortune nor do I have much sympathy although I accept he has in his way made a difference on his farm. There are many more good conservationists he has rubbished over the years. his views are archaic, blinkered and he supports all the ugly nasty blood sports.
Point proved!
What you mean is, he dares think differently to you? Why is it people on your side of what you think conservation should be, feel the need to belittle & try to shut down those of us who carry out conservation work differently to you?
I carry out regular predation control, particularly in spring. The number of grey partridge, yellowhammer, & hare have improved across the board. Helping to readdress the balance in our countryside.
Stuff him.
His deliberate misinformation regarding predator/prey relationships only serves to deflect attention from the true factors which drive declines in certain species. His brazen dishonesty (in the face of proven ecological fact) only serves to hinder their conservation.
There are serious conflicts of interest when a trustee takes up a paid position within the same charity… and those measures always have to be declared openly on charity commission annual statements and are usually only granted for a short period of time. Hence the statement from the CRT on their website regarding the matter……
It is of course entirely down to Robin to choose whether to take the new paid post offered, remain an upaid trustee or, better still for society, retire altogether….I accept that many friends (NOT MEMBERS – the CRT is NOT a membership organisation) of CRT are there purely because of Robin, but an organisation is destined to fail if it is built purely around the ego and views of one individual and whoeve he pick as his current cronies, and it should have moved to address this many year ago.
I bite my tongue and restrain myself from writing more……..