Four weeks – and 100,000 signatures

The joint NGO petition is four weeks old and it is just shy of 100,000 signatures – not bad at all. It’s been a good week. We need more good weeks, and quite a few of them, to power through the 250,000 signature barrier and beccome truly noticeable and powerful.

Thanks mostly to @Team4Nature’s social media activity, and a RT on Twitter by Caroline Lucas, it has been a weekend of clicking through the 90ks. Thank you all – and thank you to you if you have signed.

But I have a request of you please. Today is my birthday, I’m 63 today, and I’d like to see this petition keep ticking along today please. I’m guessing that many readers of this blog will already have signed – thank you. But today is the day to tell your friends that the joint petition by wildlife and environmental groups, to give wildlife proper protection in the Environment Bill is doing well, but can do even better with their help.

Please email at least five friends, wish them well, tell them what you are up to, and ask for their support for this petition – please. Thank you!

#stateofnature petition


5 Replies to “Four weeks – and 100,000 signatures”

  1. Happy birthday, Mark. I’ve posted the link to another forum and bumped it up on the others. Every little helps but I still haven’t heard a peep from any of the charities that I support about this. My new RSPB membership cards came through and no mention of it included. I imagine they’ll have a bit in the magazine about it.

    1. Received the Fellows News from them the other day and not a peep.
      Really can’t understand why over 50 NGOs sign up to something they are not willing to push. The insipid look of the site doesn’t help or the unambitious ‘next target’.
      Meanwhile another joint venture between FoE and Greenpeace, The Right to Protest, stands at 385K. Even the e-petition for the same is at 234k.
      The right to protest will be worth nothing if we all fry.

      1. Paul – thanks for your 600th comment here.

        Privy as I am, to some inside information to how this campaign is going, I can tell you that the RSPB is just about the last organisation you should be castigating. I could give you a long list of organisations who have not stirred themselves much. The 100,000 signatures to date owes much to the work of the RSPB.

        I got my fellow’s newsletter too, and, like you, looked for a mention. I didn’t really expect to find it and that’s because it is a UK newsletter and although England comprises 80+% of the population it is not 100%. The Environment Bill suffers from, is actually disadvantaged by, being a mostly English issue.

        Have you yet heard of this joint petition from FoE and Greenpeace?

  2. 500 signatures for your birthday Mark. You should have them more often. Many happy returns to you.

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