Sparrow update

House Sparrow. Photo: Tim Melling

Last week I told you about the apparently lone female House Sparrow raising a brood of chicks in my neighbour’s roof. Possibly before that blog was published last week, very early on Saturday morning, the brood fledged and the female was feeding them in my garden and next door. The male, or any male, played no part in looking after the chicks as best as I could discern. Instead, a male House Sparrow, the one I have labelled in my head as The Idle One, spent time in the empty nest hole, sitting in it, facing out to the world as the chicks had done, or sitting very close to it on the roof, chirping away.

We end this week with a lot of chirping going on and occasional House Sparrow chicks being fed by a female. I’ll be watching with interest to see whether there is another nesting attempt in the nest.
