The massively impressive latest report by the Climate Change Committee was published on Thursday. I will never read all of it – who will? But I have skimmed through som parts of it and my eye alighted on this rap over DEFRA’s knuckles on their inadequate measures to limit damage to peatlands from burning;

That gives DEFRA until October to act on burning vegetation on peatlands.
Good to see Defra being criticised from yet another direction. The more people that are told what a disgraceful job Defra are doing regarding protecting our wildlife and our environment, the better. Eustice whose only concern is to standby those who enjoy killing our wildlife for fun and who have no regard for doing their part in mitigating climate change, should be replaced immediately by a minister who has a sense of responsibility in this regard. Not that there can be too many like this in the Tory party but perhaps one or two.
“I will never read all of it – who will?”
The 1478-page Technical Report has been rendered difficult to read as in my software the bookmarks return “The requested page number is invalid and does not exist in this document”. This is as it should be as people not reading all of it is essential to the survival of the CCC, or they would be rumbled. The entire gig depends on everything going through on the nod. I’ve heard Chris Stark on the wireless – on R4 between Bridgnorth and Much Wenlock on 15 October 2019. Tom Heap let his lack of costings and inane comments go completely unchallenged. Parliament does the same.
Over at AHDB’s Horizon blog we are told: “Latest figures show that land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) are currently the only sector absorbing more carbon from the atmosphere than it is emitting. So in order to drive down emissions, the carbon this land is absorbing needs to be boosted, and quickly.”
Fortunately, Groundswell is 5 years old