Dear Mr Pursglove
Just a quick note to say that I’d like to draw your attention to a debate on a successful petition that will take place in Westminster Hall at 4.30pm on Monday 14 March. It’s title is Ban the shooting of badgers immediately and it received over 106,000 signatures and so it has (after a very long wait) been given a debate slot by the Petitions Committee – click here.
As a government minister I realise that you will not attend this debate but I’d be very grateful if you could indicate to your ministerial colleague in DEFRA who will respond to the debate for the government (most likely Victoria Prentis?) that you have had correspondence supporting the petition.
Did you know that in no year since the ill-fated Badger cull began have the recommendations on acceptable time to death (fewer than 10% of animals taking more than 5 minutes to die) been met in Badgers culled by shooting? Your government appears unconcerned that it is carrying out a highly inhumane cull of animals in our countryside involving tens of thousands of animals.
This petition was started by Wild Justice, a not-for-profit company whose registered office is in your constituency, at my home address.
Overwhelmingly, people support a ban on killing badgers. Overwhelmingly. What about that is hard to understand?
Ali – thank you for your first comment here. Have you written to your MP?
The bit where the NFU and shooting donors don’t like them, apparently. Mates over country, really.
That’s an appalling piece of information – that more than 10% of them take over 5 minutes to die. It’s bad enough that we are killing them at all.
My MP Craig Williams has been written to, I have however no idea if he will be there or not as I’ve had no reply. Then again I suspect he knows I’m absolutely no fan of his party, the Tories.