Bank Holiday Monday book review – The Vegan Gardener


I’m not a vegan and I am a pretty unambitious gardener but I got something from this book.  It’s a good introduction to gardening and the vegan bit is rather incidental to most of the book so don’t let that put you off if you have eaten  steak tartare recently.

As with many gardening books it has a range of suggestions that it would be difficult to fit into many small-medium sized gardens.

The illustrations are pretty good.

This book is on the edge of my interests and beyond the edge of my expertise so I won’t say much more about it – but it might be just what you are looking for.  The author – click here – looks to have a pretty good track record on this subject

The cover?  Good for a gardening book. I’d give it 8/10.

The Vegan Gardener: using vegan-organic techniques for a planet-friendly, wildlife-abundant, beautiful and productive garden by John Walker is published by Anness Publishing.

Buy direct from Blackwell’s – a proper bookshop (and I’ll get a little bit of money from them)


1 Reply to “Bank Holiday Monday book review – The Vegan Gardener”

  1. Presumably vegan gardeners eschew the use of blood and bone-meal (and perhaps livestock manure?) but I am intrigued to know in what other respects they differ from organic gardeners. Any approach to gardening that seeks to avoid environmental harm, though, has got to be applauded.

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