Guest blogs for this site – guidance

This blog has published over 400 guest posts since May 2011.

Do you recognise any of these names; John Burton, Peter Cairns, Ian Carter, Andy Clements, Ian Coghill, Mary Colwell, Kerri ni Dochartaigh, David Fursdon, Derek Gow, Jeremy Greenwood, Miles King, John Lawton, Dara McAnulty, Lucy McRobert, Peter Marren, Stephen Moss, Andrew Painting, Alick Simmons, Derek Thomas and Ruth Tingay? All have written guest blogs here. So could you…

If you’d like to write a guest blog (more properly a guest post) for this site then here is some guidance (well I say guidance – really these are instructions):

  • I will need your words (in a .doc(x) file) which includes some information about yourself and an image of yourself  (ideally .jpg or .png) sent as a separate attachment (ie not, that is NOT, embedded in the Word file).
  • the subject of your post should be related to nature and/or wildlife
  • I might well publish views with which I don’t agree if they are expressed well
  • what you send me should be what you think is the final (yes FINAL) text. Contributors who ‘just want to tweak this a bit’ may get short shrift.
  • I may correct typos but I probably won’t correct spelling mistakes or grammatical errors – they are your responsibility (as mine are my responsibility)
  • any length is acceptable – at least to me, but you should be thinking of the reader and their tolerances
  • rudeness or libel (or possible libel) will make me far less likely to publish your piece
  • if you send me pictures (.jpg or .png please) to illustrate your post then please confirm that you have permission to use them and credit the photographer/artist
  • if accepted for publication I will let you know when your writing will be published and I will Tweet it to my alleged 52k followers on Twitter for as long as I remain on that platform.  I will also provide a link to your post in my next free monthly newsletter which is read by c5000 people (and rising).

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