Natural England PhD – Hen Harrier reintroduction

Natural England, that cash-strapped former conservation agency, is funding  a PhD into raptor translocations.  But it will use the case study of the reintroduction of Hen Harriers in England. Short thesis!


4 Replies to “Natural England PhD – Hen Harrier reintroduction”

  1. Hold on last ‘we’ not Natural England funded a PhD on Hen Harriers it ran and ran and ran and the paper never got published, in fact we are still waiting for the first real output from it which must be due sometime soon.

  2. I’m not so sure. If this conservation reintroduction is scuppered by conservationists then there should be plenty of material for the ‘social dimensions’ part of the PhD.

  3. It might be worth warning potential candidates that this may not be the best route into a conservation career – as equally the supervisors who, unlike the applicants, must be aware of what they are doing. Morally indefensible in present circumstances.

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