Great effort!

One man’s leafletting has made the formerly rather underperforming constituency of Warwick and Leamington stand out from the Midland crowd in terms of signatures for our petition to ban driven grouse shooting.. I won’t embarrass him by naming him here but I have thanked him personally. And he’ll be at the Bird Fair this weekend…

And from George Monbiot…

In today’s Guardian, from George Monbiot: The grouse shooters aim to kill: the first casualty is the truth Crispin Odey, Ian Botham, the Daily Telegraph, Paul Dacre, the Daily Mail, Jonny Scott, Ian Gregory, YFTB, Richard Benyon and David Cameron – all in one article. Please remember to ask your friends to sign the e-petition…

Advance warning

I wrote to the HoC Petitions Committee to find out as much as I could about when our expected debate might take place.  Here is their (very rapid) reply:             Dr Avery, Thank you for your message. We are always here, even in the depths of August! The petition will…

That other petition

The Scottish Raptor Study Group petition to the Scottish parliament to bring in licensing of gamebird shooting is in its last few days (it closes next Monday). It has gathered nearly 5000 signatures online and there are more that have been collected on old-fashioned pieces of paper.  That’s pretty good by the standards of these…

Bird Fair debate on future of grouse shooting

We’re in the run-up to the Bird Fair (btw weather forecast suggests some rain) and one of the stand-out events on Day 1 is the ‘debate’ on the future of grouse shooting chaired by Rob Lambert and featuring Natalie Bennett, the leader of the Green Party (who spoke brilliantly at the Peak District Hen Harrier…