Oscar Dewhurst – Nightjars

Oscar writes: I know this isn’t a technically great photo, but I thought I’d post it here just for interest as you don’t see many photos of Nightjars! I spent several evenings up on the heaths watching these. For the first few minutes it was just about light enough to take photos, but still with…

Sunday’s Hen Harrier Day rallies

First off is at Craignure, Isle of Mull at 10:00… … followed by the North West Raptor Protection Group at the village green, Dunsop Bridge at 10:30. RSPB Loch Leven Day 2 at 11:00. RSPB Arne in Dorset starts at 11:00 too. And I’ll be at Edale at 11:00 with Findlay Wilde, Natalie Bennett, the…

Tim Melling – Humpback Whale

  Tim writes: catching a Humpback Whale lunge-feeding is a lot harder than it looks as you can’t usually predict when and where they will appear.  But I was on a boat in the Johnstone Strait off the northeast coast of Vancouver Island where the water was clearly teeming with fish.  Seabirds were in abundance…

Today’s and tomorrow’s Hen Harrier Day rallies

A big shout out to Northern Ireland for their first ever Hen Harrier Day rally in Glenarrif Forest Park, Ballymena, Co Antrim at 10:00 today! Then it’s over to RSPB Loch Leven for the start of a tw0-day event starting at 11:00 On Ilkley Moor, Cow and Calf Rocks, the Ban Bloodsports on Ilkley Moor…