Tim Melling – Large Heath

Tim writes: the Large Heath is Britain’s most variable butterfly.  So much so that when it was first discovered in Britain it was named as three different species.  They are quite a rare northern butterfly inhabiting peat bogs where their caterpillars feed on Cotton-grasses.  This was taken early morning at Winmarleigh Moss in Lancashire where…

Join the thunderclap – almost last chance

If you have an account on Twitter, Facebook and/or tumblr then please consider joining this thunderclap to raise awareness of the plight of Hen Harriers and of our e-petition to get the future of the uplands debated in the Westminster parliament.

The new old face at BASC

There have been very titillating rumours of what might be going on inside BASC over the last few weeks including stories of fisticuffs, but it is not for this blog to get too distracted by the travails of others. However, I couldn’t help noticing that the latest nonsense from BASC is not signed off by…