Throwing CAP up in the air

  Everything is in flux, but if we really are leaving the EU then the biggest conservation opportunity is bound to be through changing our financing of agriculture. We spend £3bn per annum on agricultural support at the moment (in England and Wales). We can spend more or less than that post Brexit because we…

Slim Chance of survival of Hen Harriers

    Yet another satellite-tagged Hen Harrier, this one called Chance, has disappeared – her last known location (when transmitting a strong signal) was on a south Lanarkshire grouse moor.  This sounds as though it must be in the same general area where Annie (pictured above) died. Add in Highlander whose satellite tag stopped transmitting…

Rewild our trashed hills

  I think anyone looking at the landscape above would be hard-pressed to call it ‘natural’. It is drained and burned – and it has tracks running all the way through it. It’s the burning that creates that patchwork of different colours – patches of heather that were burned in different years according to a…

Henry’s picnic – of course it rained

A group of 75+ met at Grimwith Reservoir car park yesterday to gather together to protest about the lack of Hen Harriers in the ununited-UK, in the uplands of England, in National Parks and in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. There was sun, there was gloom, there were midges and there was rain – a…

If you really want to have a go at the establishment…

If you really want to have a go at the establishment and you don’t really care how – then just sign this e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting. If you want to have a go at the establishment in a more thoughtful way then read it first and then sign it! If you…