Oscar Dewhurst – the great chick predation (2)

  Oscar writes: Following on from last week’s post where I talked about the Black-headed Gull colony and predation of their chicks, Marsh Harriers were another bird that would take the chicks to feed their young. Whenever they came over the scrape at Minsmere the birds would get very agitated, and for good reason, as…

Standing up for Nature writing competition

If you would like to win a signed copy of my new book, Remarkable Birds, then write 400-1200 words on one of the four subjects below and maybe you will. We, myself and two other judges, will be looking for good writing about nature and its place in our lives.  In any of these categories…

Remarkable Birds

My next book – available at The Bird Fair and afterwards in all good bookshops in UK (eg Foyles, Waterstones, WHSmith) from 1 September and USA from 13 September. Published by Thames and Hudson. Five signed copies available to be won – see later today for details of a writing competition.      

Tim Melling – King Penguins

Tim writes:  These King Penguins were photographed just above the largest nesting colony on the planet with hundreds of thousands of nesting pairs.  This was on the British Overseas Territory of South Georgia at Saint Andrews Bay.  King Penguins are the only birds I have ever encountered that treat humans as if they are birds. …


60,000 is a big number! A really big number. We now need fewer than four lots of 10,000 signatures to reach 100,000 by 20 September. That will be difficult – but not impossible. We are going for it! So far, in July we have passed 13 ‘thousand milestones’.  How many more will we pass in…