Bit of a catch-up

ban driven grouse shooting e-petition stands at 15,800 signatures – please sign and promote to others. This e-petition is still in its first month. ban toxic lead ammunition e-petition stands at 15,500 signatures – please sign and promote to others. This e-petition is in its last month and deserves far greater support from our major…

Champions of the Flyway 2016 – blog 5

Day 5 – race day! 29 March I was driving to start with, and actually did so all day. We left just after 2am and, despite a flashlight incident, made good progress, picking up Greater Flamingo in the adjacent saltpans within five minutes. This was easy!  The next bird was a Barn Owl an hour…

RSPB does something

The RSPB included a note in its April e-newsletter asking its members to sign Rob Sheldon’s e-petition on banning toxic lead ammunition. this was wittily called ‘Last chance to take the lead’. If this heralds a month of frantic activity on this subject from the RSPB, whose agreed policy is that there should be a…

Flood re

I’m not entirely sure I understand how this flood re thing works – it’s either because I’m a bit thick or because these explanations don’t quite do it for me (Association British Insurers, Defra, Aviva).  You’ll notice that everyone is stressing the benefits to those living in flood-prone areas – which is nice, but I…

Champions of the Flyway 2016 – blog 4

Day 4 – Monday 28 March The day before race day. Beginning to put on our game faces. One of the really lovely elements of the Champions of the Flyways events is its friendliness. Teams are encouraged to share information and expertise – and most did through WhatsApp. We both benefitted from this and contributed…