Working hard over the Christmas break

I’ll be working hard over the Christmas break – well, I’ll be luxuriating in looking at some of the best bird photographs ever!  I’m the least knowledgeable judge on the panel of the Bird Photographer of the Year 2017 competition. Having peeked at some of the entries it’s going to be great fun and very…

Guest blog – What if a Swift were a bat or a newt? by Dick Newell

Lifetime bird watcher and over 60 years an RSPB member, Dick Newell, retired from the software industry, now devotes time to devising ways to help Swifts, which led recently to the BTO giving a Marsh Award for Innovative Ornithology to Action for Swifts. documents a large number of case studies, designs and ideas   …

Defra is for…?

  Defra is responsible for our wildlife but if you try to get some information from the Defra media team about wildlife it certainly looks as though the subject has dropped off the agenda. Wildlife is the last mentioned in a section on water, environment and wildlife and doesn’t get a mention in the following…

Peak bogs

Bob Berzins posted this earlier today as part of a comment on Ian Parsons’s blog about disturbance yesterday; ‘Last Saturday found me on a remote moor in the north east peak. The only other person around was a gamekeeper, with gun in his ATV. He had been putting down medicated grit. When I was a…

Dull day – or maybe not

There are (or were in 2014) more Bearded Tits in the UK than there have been since records began – more than 770 pairs.  That’s quite a success story and a lot of these birds nest on nature reserves. Yesterday I strolled down to my local patch of Stanwick Lakes on a dull grey day….