An important half a sentence…

It’s not exactly a headline election promise, but on page 56 of the SNP manifesto for the Scottish Parliament elections in May you will find; All that campaigning leads to that half a sentence – hard won, and only a start. But if I had the opportunity to quiz candidates in this election I’d be…

This blog (2)

Things that happened during the last decade: 2011: First blog here First guest blog here by the still unknown-to-most-people, Mr White – the first of nearly 400 guest blogs published to date (this blog will still accept guest blogs) I travel across the USA and then come back I start writing a monthly column for…

This blog (1)

If you visit this blog a week today, on 22 April, you won’t find a new post here as this blog is downsizing for 6 months – and then I’ll decide what to do next. If that comes as a complete shock to you, as it has to a few people I’ve spoken to over…