It’s not exactly a headline election promise, but on page 56 of the SNP manifesto for the Scottish Parliament elections in May you will find; All that campaigning leads to that half a sentence – hard won, and only a start. But if I had the opportunity to quiz candidates in this election I’d be…
This blog (2)
Things that happened during the last decade: 2011: First blog here First guest blog here by the still unknown-to-most-people, Mr White – the first of nearly 400 guest blogs published to date (this blog will still accept guest blogs) I travel across the USA and then come back I start writing a monthly column for…
Interesting paper on Blackcaps
If, like me, you enjoy seeing wintering Blackcaps in your garden then this paper may well be of interest.
from Mr Carbo
This blog (1)
If you visit this blog a week today, on 22 April, you won’t find a new post here as this blog is downsizing for 6 months – and then I’ll decide what to do next. If that comes as a complete shock to you, as it has to a few people I’ve spoken to over…