Not mere

I was at Martin Mere over the weekend – and very nice it was too. I saw flocks, gaggles, herds, wisps, springs, flings, paddles, plumps, omnisciences (yes, really!), deserts, a small exaltation, doadings, skeins and flights – but what is the collective noun for lots of your birding friends? Because it was a great place…

Big Story on Friday evening

I’m looking forward to attending the Big Story event on Friday at the Natural History Museum. It’s a live, staged adaptation of the Natural Histories radio series and of the book reviewed here a while ago. With Rory Bremner, Tamsin Greig, and a host of stuffed animals (?) involved, it’s bound to be a good…

Guest blog – Protecting the knackered by Jean-Luc Solandt

Jean-Luc Solandt is a marine biologist struggling to get out of a policy expert. He worked on coral reef ecology for 15 years, providing diving survey data for the creation of Marine Protected Areas. He’s been working in the UK at the Marine Conservation Society for over 13 years on developing networks of MPAs, making…

Oscar Dewhurst – Steller’s Jay

Oscar writes: While hiking around Jenny Lake in Grand Teton National Park we came across this gorgeous Steller’s Jay feeding in some conifer trees. Fortunately it didn’t seem bothered by me trying to creep up on it, and happily carried on feeding, letting me take some photos of it. Nikon D800, Nikon 600mm f/4 AF-S…