Should the BBC sack Chris Packham ?

Apparently not, judging by the outpouring of support for him over the last few days. This e-petition calls on the BBC to sack him – and has been signed by c.2,500 people. This e-petition calls on the BBC to keep him – and has been signed by over 60,000 people It’s obviously a close-run thing…

Another 1000 this week – now past 16000 signatures

This is where we were last week – at 15,000 signatures to ban driven grouse shooting. Now we have passed 16,000 signatures. 1000 new signatures in a week is pretty good going. I hope I’m not being unduly optimistic to hope that we will pass 25,000 signatures by the end of the six-month period.  There…

H&OT blah blah blah blah blah

In a letter in yesterday’s Times (what an awful paper it is these days – I didn’t buy it, I promise) there was a letter by the Hawk and Owl Trust chair Philip Merricks. Apparently ‘no conservation body is doing more to bring the illegal persecution of hen harriers to an end’ than the Hawk…

An RSPB summer reception – Minister gushes about RSPB

Yesterday afternoon I attended an RSPB summer reception in the palace of Westminster. It was a good event but a little bit light on parliamentarians. However, there were a some big-hitters in the room and some very good words in the short speeches. Our host was Baroness Parminter who is a considerable force for good…

You can do this… (1)

This is the first of a series of blogs to help you to help Hen Harriers and the upland environment by increasing the pressure on the Westminster government to ban driven grouse shooting. This suggestion depends on you having a Twitter account.  If you don’t, then maybe you should consider getting one, but there will…