H&OT blah blah blah blah blah

In a letter in yesterday’s Times (what an awful paper it is these days – I didn’t buy it, I promise) there was a letter by the Hawk and Owl Trust chair Philip Merricks. Apparently ‘no conservation body is doing more to bring the illegal persecution of hen harriers to an end’ than the Hawk…

An RSPB summer reception – Minister gushes about RSPB

Yesterday afternoon I attended an RSPB summer reception in the palace of Westminster. It was a good event but a little bit light on parliamentarians. However, there were a some big-hitters in the room and some very good words in the short speeches. Our host was Baroness Parminter who is a considerable force for good…

You can do this… (1)

This is the first of a series of blogs to help you to help Hen Harriers and the upland environment by increasing the pressure on the Westminster government to ban driven grouse shooting. This suggestion depends on you having a Twitter account.  If you don’t, then maybe you should consider getting one, but there will…

Lead – time to move on

No doubt, shooting organisations will seek to rubbish and delay the implementation of the findings of the Lead Ammunition Group. There will be a long list of attacks on ‘antis’ and ‘townies’ and attempts to cast doubt on the science. They may even say things like ‘We need to consider these findings carefully, once peer-reviewed,…

These children want to grow up to see Hen Harriers (2)

  Abbie Harrison-Evans is pretty clear that she would like us all to Save the Hen Harrier! This is the second poster design by children from the Wollaton Park Wildlife Watch group, whose leader Helen Mitchem, was present at, and inspired by, Hen Harrier Day in the Goyt Valley (click here for Benjamin’s poster from…