Yesterday I highlighted a petition from Friends of the Earth and mentioned that the issue was important but the petition is accompanied by lots of irritating stuff where FoE ask for your details so that they can contact you in future. I much prefer the petition systems set up by the national parliaments across the…
Press release – Bumblebee Conservation Trust
Bumblebee Conservation Trust asks people across the UK to Bee the Change The Bumblebee Conservation Trust is on a mission to help everyone Bee the Change in their local area, with a new campaign launched today (18 March 2021) asking people across the UK to take simple, quick micro-actions to make their postcode more bumblebee-friendly. …
The EU – remember them?
Well done LPO!
Are you a peaceful protestor?
I was sent this email by the RSPB and it pointed me towards a petition set up by Friends of the Earth which I happily signed. The petition is important and I gladly signed it, but the process of signing it is a bit irritating and gives the impression, which may not be completely untrue,…
Guest blog – Happy Paddy’s Day by Mark Robins
Mark Robins – a more or less full working life in and around nature NGOs and agencies various – mostly in South West England and especially for the RSPB. Moved to Ireland in 2018 and for a year led the BirdWatch Ireland Conservation & Policy team and is now a freelance natural environment and sustainable…