The Hen Harrier in the room

We must congratulate Princes Charles and William for speaking out against the illegal killing which is driving the African elephant closer to extinction. Channel 4 (and the RSPB) made the point that there is plenty of illegal destruction of wildlife here at home too.  Some of it in the part of Scotland where Prince William…

Readers’ survey – the politics of it all.

Four out of five respondents to the readers’ survey said that they would vote Labour rather than Conservative if the general election took place tomorrow.  Don’t worry – it isn’t happening tomorrow. [Click here, here and here for other results from this survey] There were over 600 of you who I will describe as ‘Labour’…

What do you think? More results from readers’ survey.

Readers of this blog are generally satisfied with the performance of wildlife NGOs – I think you are all just a little too generous. However, although there is a clear majority who disagree with the idea that there are too many NGOs, a large minority – 43% of respondents – believe that we have too…

Sanctuary – it’s a Lottery

I’ve never bought a Lottery ticket in my life. It’s not that I don’t believe in gambling, but I take it seriously, which means I would never bet on a game of chance where the expected returns are 50p in the pound.  Duhh! And it’s not that I don’t believe in giving money to charity…

Signs of spring and a scary encounter

I’ve made it out a few times recently but I only got a little bit further than this at Stanwick Lakes the other day before the water was too deep for wellies. It hasn’t felt much like spring to me, but some of the birds seem to believe it is.  Great Tits are in full…