In the words of the song…

…I can see clearly now the rain has gone! I can see all obstacles in my way…   We wish Owen Paterson clear vision for the months ahead. 1. Climate change is real 2. Fixing bovine tb cannot be done by a cull of badgers alone 3.  Culling badgers is quite likely to increase the…

What do these two species have in common – perhaps?

Sunday was a lovely day – it didn’t rain and it didn’t blow a gale and the sun shone.  Hooray! I was in Norfolk and saw the odd bird or two and it felt like we were coming towards the end of winter because I also saw… Carpets of snowdrops. I like snowdrops – don’t…

Save me from local solutions

As I wrote some time ago, ‘there is no way to get rid of water, only to slow down its inevitable passage to the sea or speed it up’.  And if I want to get rid of the water from my land it has to go somewhere.  If I build a flood defence around my…

Oscar Dewhurst – Waxwing

  Oscar writes: Last winter there was an invasion of Waxwings all over the UK. I had never seen them before, so when some were reported not far from me I was straight over to see them. When I arrived I was greeted by the sight of up to 80 birds perched on top of…