Sunday Book Review – Feral by George Monbiot

This is a book that many people ought to read.  I read most of it before I went to the USA and then read all of it, some of it several times, on my return.  I was reading it again at 6am yesterday morning in the back garden of the Old Mill Hotel in Salisbury…

If this post appears…

…then it means that I am off looking for purple emperors. Meanwhile, have you voted in my poll and commented on what you think of the RSPB’s new TV advert? The poll will close fairly soon as the results are pretty clear (to me) already so do have your say.

It’s a year of two halves

I started the year with a wildlife checklist for the first six months of the year and I can report alternating success.  I failed to see Mandarin ducks in January, a bunch of migrants in March or Duke of Burgundy butterflies in May, but I succeeded with drake smew in February, nightingales in April and…

Should we be grateful?

Sometimes governments say they are going to do 20 daft things (they never put it quite like that) and then only do 10 daft things and they expect us all to be grateful.  There ought to be a word for it  – a Greek word – maybe there is – for a victory which you…

Wuthering Moors 31

Blogs entitled ‘Wuthering Moors’ form a series of articles about the Walshaw Moor Estate and its relationship with Natural England and Defra. Regular readers of this blog may remember that I submitted a request for information to Defra about their response to the RSPB complaint to Europe over the Walshaw Moor affair. I received no…