I hope they sink

I was an undergraduate at Cambridge but I hope that the Cambridge boat sinks in Sunday’s University Boat Race. Why? Because the Cambridge University Boat Club is planning to build a new boathouse (although it is far more than just a boathouse) on one of the best sites for otters in Cambridgeshire, and its impact…

Vote for Abernethy, please

Sometimes opportunities come along when you may make a difference that is far in excess of the effort that you expend.  An example of such an opportunity is the public poll organised by the European Outdoor Conservation Association (of whom I had never heard before this week – so they have gained some good publicity)…

That’ll teach us – or not.

  It might not have been like that exactly but there is no denying that early experience of nature, good or bad, will influence adult perceptions.  I know that being introduced to wildlife and landscapes, very gently, by my parents was an important factor in shaping my view of the world.  And similarly at school…