Blogger in Residence – you can hire me!

If you are an environmentally friendly organisation or business, with a good story to tell, then hire me as your Blogger in Residence to write about your work. I am looking for organisations with interesting environmental stories to tell, who would like me to write one blog a week about their work for periods of…

Guest blog – Matthew Chatfield on maerl

Maerl. What’s that then? Chances are, you don’t know what maerl is, or why anyone else might care. Unless you live in Falmouth – in which case you have probably found out quite a lot about maerl recently. It’s a rare marine habitat which, like many other such habitats, is protected in the UK by…

Paying by results

Your money is not being spent well in funding English agri-environment schemes.  This used to be what the current Defra Ministers, James Paice and Richard Benyon, said while they were in Opposition but precious little has changed since they came into positions of being able to influence things. The agri-environment programme is voluntary for farmers…

Habs Regs Review

Defra is carrying out a review of the regulations that implement the EU Birds and Habitats Directives. They’d like to hear from you at [email protected] . I’m glad to say that they have already heard from a large group of wildlife NGOs who have submitted their views on the nature directives – good for them!…