Leo Fisher is a freelancer and environmental enthusiast specialising in green and renewable energy as well as other topics. Having recently graduated with a Masters in History from the University of Leeds he has been fortunate enough to have travelled and worked in conservation in Ecuador and Vietnam. He writes: When it comes to…
Guest blog – Where are all the women? by Sue Walker
My name is Sue Walker and I’m a freelance writer and interpretation consultant for nature conservation organisations, mostly in Scotland. I have my own blog called ‘Writes for Nature’ www.writesfornature.blogspot.com. My thanks go to Mark for giving me the chance to write a guest blog here. His own pithy, witty and well-informed blogs make him…
Guest blog – Save wildlife. Stop birdwatching! by Andrew Lucas
Andrew works part-time for the Countryside Council for Wales, and is also a part-time postgraduate student at Swansea University. The views expressed here are his own. Recently, I found myself at some traffic lights when an enormous, gleaming, silver SUV pulled up along side me. At such moments I am insufferably smug. Here I…
Guest blog – Every little helps? by Matt Williams
Matt Williams is a campaigner and organiser. He is Co-Director of the UK Youth Climate Coalition and is also undertaking a masters in Development Studies at Cambridge University. He regularly blogs at mattadamwilliams.co.uk How much is the RSPB’s new partnership with Tesco really benefiting nature? I must preface this blog by stating that I’ve…
Well done RSPB, and the week ahead
Well done RSPB! In my Birdwatch column, the political birder, for March I wrote about the e-petition started by Chrissie Harper which asks for the law in England to be brought into line with those in Scotland in respect of vicarious liability for wildlife offences. Vicarious liability is an unfamiliar phrase for those of us…