Today I am hoping to attend an event in London’s Supreme Court where there will be a mock trial for ecocide – a proposed new ‘crime against humanity’ Isn’t it an interesting idea – that a company or perhaps a government could be put on trial for destroying the natural environment? But wouldn’t we all…
Not too reserved
The latest annual RSPB reserve report is out – with a very attractive black guillemot on the cover. Right up front, the first article, is an account of the numbers of various bird species on RSPB nature reserves in 2010 and their target populations in 2012 – the year when this RSPB nature reserve conservation…
Untangling the tangled bank – 3
I am now a proud member of Buglife – why don’t you join too? I am going to write mainly about closer collaborative working in this blog but I do want to put in a word for mergers before I do that. Let’s take some of the smaller wildlife conservation organisations as examples. Let’s imagine…
Untangling the tangled bank – 2
There are some great comments on yesterday’s blog – do have another look at them if you first read the blog yesterday morning. One aspect of the work of wildlife conservation NGOs which needs considering is that of devolution. These days, and it’s been true for quite a while, decisions on most (not quite all)…
Untangling the tangled bank – 1
Peter Marren dropped a stone into the pond whose ripples continue to spread. His article in the Independent, followed by pieces (here and here) by the Independent’s Environment Editor Mike McCarthy, and aided and abetted by this blog, have opened up a debate on the tangled bank of UK wildlife NGOs – do we have…