RSPB spills the beans on Natural England Hen Harrier cover up

Last week Natural England released the ‘results’ of ‘their’ monitoring of Hen Harriers in England in 2020. Their press release was a bit confused and a bit in error and was packed out with quotes from Natural England’s mates in the shooting industry about what a great thing brood meddling of Hen Harrier nests is,…

People’s assembly on climate change – no idiots there.

This is an inspiring read produced by a selection of 108 ‘ordinary’ people who spent 60 hours learning, thinking and voting on measures to deliver what is government policy, but not enough government action The measures are a middle ground if we are to be serious on getting to net zero. I would have liked…

Some photographs to cheer you up

The annual Bored Panda comedy wildlife photographs are out – you can vote on your favourites, if you like. There are some good images in there and I can see many reasons why the public favourite right now is top of the list.

Badger eradication

The Westminster government seems to have forgotten that it says that its aim is to eradicate bTB in cattle (which it is miles away from doing, and hardly seems a plausible aim by following the current loosely termed ‘strategy’) and is now fixated on eradicating badgers from large areas of England. Whereas the government announcement…

Press release – Leigh Day

Legal challenge to Environment Agency’s decision to grant a permit for one of Europe’s biggest waste incinerators A campaign group, representing seven villages in Essex, has issued a legal challenge against the Environment Agency over concerns that residents will be exposed to the potentially hazardous effects of the development of one of Europe’s biggest waste…