Press release – the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership and others

Top UK Seafood Products May Pose Risks to Sharks, Seabirds, Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles ASDA first major retailer to assess impacts of its seafood business on ocean wildlife London – An independent report released today assesses the risks to ocean wildlife from incidental capture in the fisheries that supply seafood to UK supermarket chain…


On Sunday evening you may have seen David Attenborough and Mountain Gorillas back in 1978 – it seems like yesterday! And the message of Sunday’s programme was that we can make a difference if we actually do the right things. The World Land Trust (of which I am the Chair of Trustees), is working with…

Just for the record…

Natural England (yes, them again) have behaved very peculiarly in not releasing a report by the BTO on impacts of Badgers on birds (see here, here, here and here). Natural England say I can’t see the report which they cited in another document, and I complained, which meant they had to carry out an internal…

Driven grouse shooting – a mingle underpinned by wildlife crime

Coverage of the government ruling on whether Red Grouse shooting (open season 12 Aug- 10 Dec) and Pheasant shooting (open season 1 Oct – 1 Feb in England, Wales and Scotland) can go ahead has been phenomenal. I’ve had journalists phone me up today struggling to understand why their editor is wanting another piece on…

Letter to my MP – all three parts

This is a letter sent to my MP today. This instalment brings the letter up to date with the highlighted paragraphs. Dear Mr Pursglove PROTECTION OF HEN HARRIERS You are always kind enough to respond to me and you were particularly informative and helpful in our recent exchange. Thank you. You have now posted your…