Thank you Mr Pursglove

Of course I participated in the e-action like 84,000+ others but I also dropped my MP a line to warn him that I’d rather he didn’t send me the nonsense that other Conservative MPs were sending out at the time. This afternoon I received this response with which I am entirely content insofar as Mr…

A 10-point plan to respond to your Conservative MP in England

This post refers to the e-action by Wild Justice, Hen Harrier Action and the RSPB which already has had over 83,000 participants. The biggest single group of recipients of these actions have been Conservative MPs in England just because there are a lot of them – all have been contacted by constituents. If you have…

Flying a kite in east North Northants

I live in east Northamptonshire at the moment, in a District Council area called East Northants which is the eastern end of Northamptonshire and is one of seven district councils; East Northants, Northampton, Wellingborough, Corby, Kettering, Daventry and South Northants. But soon Northamptonshire is being split into two new local council areas: West Northants and…

Dear Mr Eustice – the burning question

Dear Mr Eustice, how long are you going to delay making the right decision on heather burning on peatlands? You are making this government look foolish and evasive by not acting on this matter, particularly when scores of Conservative MPs in England are telling their constituents that the government will act. Let’s have a quick…