I am the author of The Book of Trespass, a polemic that investigates the historic roots of our forced exclusion from nature, and argues why we need to reconnect. I am incredibly grateful to Mark for the opportunity to write to you, and would like to give you a view behind the scenes of our…
Press release – Beavers, Scottish Rewilding Alliance
Call for fresh approach as Scotland’s beaver killing season begins The future of Scotland’s fragile population of wild beavers is at risk as this year’s beaver killing season begins, says the Scottish Rewilding Alliance, a coalition of 24 leading environmental charities, countryside access organisations, businesses and community groups. Scotland’s baby beavers are officially seen as no…
Press release – Beaver Trust
Diverse group call for long-term plan for England’s beavers Government asked to allow wild beaver populations to remain and expand naturally in England Beavers should be recognised as native and given appropriate legal status Robust national management framework with funding and local support is required Licensed releases including from enclosures should be planned on suitable…
Paul Leyland – Myathropa florea
Myathropa florea is often known as the Batman Hoverfly, which is self explanatory if you look at the pattern on its thorax. Some are more marked than others, this is a particularly bright one. Size can vary, with a wing length between 7mm and 12mm. It’s quite a common hoverfly which occurs throughout the UK…
Sunday book review – The Common Buzzard by Sean Walls and Robert Kenward
I grew up in Somerset where Buzzards were reasonably common but are now much more numerous, but I’ve spent most of the last 40 years living in the East Midlands and seen Buzzards becoming commoner and commoner sights in the skies here. Buzzards are fairly common across most of lowland Britain nowadays but holes still…