Benyon review on Highly Protected Marine Areas

This review, which is quite important, was published on World Ocean Day two weeks ago. It gained a lot of acclaim at the time and this was pretty well-deserved. The group (which I said at the time it was set up, back in July 2019, looked like a good one), chaired by former Environment minister…

Heading for Christmas

I said that we bought a live Christmas tree in a pot last December and the idea is to keep it alive and use it again, slightly larger, next Christmas. Having passed the summer solstice it is now down hill all the way to the winter solstice, but the good news is that the tree…

Wild Hacking? Still no news.

Local residents have not yet been told whether SNH is going to license wild hacking of Gyr Falcons in Scotland this year. The report on last year’s events, which I have now read, admits the failings of the bird survey carried out last year (and highlighted on this blog back in December so it’s not…

Natural England not very open

Natural England are under fire from all sides it seems. On this blog last week Bob Berzins’s account of the failure of NE to release details of a licence which allowed widespread unlimited killing of several species of birds (see here and here) suggested that the organisation might have been deliberately witholding information which it…

Press release – 25,000 Green Jobs from RSPB for Wildlife Link

Twenty-five thousand jobs could be created through government investment in a green recovery Investment in nature recovery could provide a major boost in employment in England and help create a more resilient economy as part of a green economic recovery from Covid-19 according to new figures put together by conservation groups. In addition, it would…