Guest blog – Pheasant or Pheasant’s-eye? by Miles King

Pheasant or Pheasant’s-eye? Nature Connection and Conservation What’s important about nature? I’m not talking about however many tonnes of Carbon a Sitka spruce tree locks up during its short life, or whether a Beaver stops a town flooding.  I mean what is important to you, as a person. Why do you care about nature? A…

Paul Leyland – Eyed Hawk-moth

Social Distancing Week 13. Eyed Hawk-moth. Paul writes: I found this dramatic looking creature last week in my garden moth trap. It’s the first Eyed Hawk-moth I’ve seen, so I was really excited. I was immediately impressed by the size, the wing length is around 40mm. When resting normally it’s fairly drab looking and only…

Sunday book review – Rock Pool by Heather Buttivant

Here in east Northants we are a bit lacking in coastal habitats and my nearest coast is muddy and sandy rather than rocky. If I lived at the coast I would love to explore the wildlife making its living, or temporarily made captive in the pools between the tidelines. As the author explains here so…

Tim Melling – Dartford Warbler

Tim writes: living in the north means I don’t see Dartford Warblers very often.  But on the few times I have seen them I’m always surprised by how small they are.  The book measurements are deceiving because they have a long tail.  So at 12cm bill to tail tip they are 2cm longer than a…