Raptor Aid interviewed me

I spent five hours on Microsoft Teams and Zoom yesterday, and was knackered at the end of it. Not sure why – all I was doing was chatting to nice people. Here is my 1-hour chat to Jimmi Hill of Raptor Aid about blogging, writing, campaigning and driven grouse shooting. Thanks Jimmi for the opportunity….

Press release – Global species extinction target proposed

Press release: New species extinction target proposed for global nature rescue plan The upcoming future strategy for conserving biodiversity must include a prominent target to lower extinction rates, say scientists. Biodiversity loss has continued unabated at an alarming rate, and so far, action to deliver on the global agreements in place has failed to prevent…

Just check your garden for one of these

Every few years there are numbers of this gaudy relative of the Starling seen in western Europe in late May/early June and now and again appreciable numbers of them get to the UK. This is one of those years! So check your fat balls and lawns for an exceptional looking starling – a Rose-coloured Starling….