After…things I would like to be different (1)

After coronavirus (which might be quite a long way away), or at least when the world settles down to a new normal, there are some things that I’d like to be different. So over the next days and weeks I’m going to write them down. They will mostly be to do with our relationship with…

Primates 3

This was the last episode in an excellent 3-part series and was entitled Protecting Primates although, really, it wasn’t mostly about protecting primates and it was about quite a lot of things. If one wanted to be critical of the programme one would say that it was a bit bitty – and lacked a narrative…

Press release – The Sound Approach

Gökotta: A new type of bathing this spring Lockdown has been a long and difficult process for many people, with thousands finding solace and calm in nature. Whilst some absorb the richness of their local environment through visual means, there’s an experience we should all learn to embrace which allows for productivity and creativity to…

Conflict over the uplands in social media?

If you all turn to p273 of your copies of Inglorious then you will find an exhortation from me to use social media in our campaign to ban driven grouse shooting. Written in January 2015 it lists the Twitter followers of the following organisations and individuals. Here are what they were then, in June 2016…