Ecohustler – a new voice

Ecohustler says it is ‘An ever-expanding galaxy of immersive, investigative, uncomfortable, and occasionally uncouth ecological news‘. Here are three recent articles: The race to rewild Bristol, Greta and the Cinderella crisis A message in the floods

Incredible turn around on Badger cull.

The government will also begin an exit strategy from the intensive culling of badgers, while ensuring that wildlife control remains a tool that can be deployed where the epidemiological evidence supports it. As soon as possible, we intend to pilot badger vaccination in at least one area where the four-year cull cycle has concluded, with…

Bird song (5) – Dunnock

I guess there is usually a Dunnock in my garden, but I certainly don’t see them all the time. Even when they are picking up scraps under the bird feeders, and are in plain view, they seem to be more inconspicuous than other birds. Dunnocks don’t draw attention to themselves and are often described as…

Crispin Odey and the Cerrado – a tale of three governments?

There are some people whose names crop up now and again; one of these is Crispin Odey (for previous mentions of old Harrovian, city trader, Crispin Odey in this blog see here, here, here, here, here, here and here!). Yesterday Mr Odey was mentioned in the Guardian under the headline ‘Tory donor invested in firm…