Wuthering Moors 74 – lessons unlearned

I am grateful to several Natural England staff who have found ways to send me a document recently posted on the NE intranet, but written in March 2013, entitled Walshaw Moor Lessons Learned Action Plan. Considering this document is over five years old, it is of mostly historic interest to very few people, however, there…

Letter from my MP

I’m grateful to my MP, Tom Pursglove for his timely response to my emails inviting him to attend the People’s Walk for Wildlife and then asking him to have a look at the Manifesto for Wildlife. The response shows that someone has put some time into constructing it, and that it’s not just a brush…

Wuthering Moors 73 – burning while Gove fiddles

Blog posts titled Wuthering Moors are about the issue of burning of blanket bogs by grouse shooting estates (e.g. Wuthering Moors 28, 15 October 2012), the inability of the government agency Natural England to do its job properly on regulating landowners on protected moorland sites (Wuthering Moors 68 – the background to an unlawful decision,…

More gems from the shooting scene

The Savill’s benchmarking survey is a valuable reference point for those interested in the future of shooting. Here are a few more areas (see this morning’s blog) which caught my eye: the average salary for a single-handed keeper was £21,100 plus benefits. That doesn’t sound like a fortune does it? What might the benefits be?…

‘Supply outstrips demand’

The Savill’s annual shoot benchmarking survey for last season makes grim reading for the shooting industry – there aren’t enough takers for the millions of so-called wild birds that are shot for fun and profit every year.  Any pretence that shooting is connected to food is a distant memory despite these words in the Code…