Anthony is a 29 year old (at the time of writing) natural history enthusiast, birdwatcher, trainee ringer and graduate zoologist from North Wales. Anthony can be found on Twitter via @AnthonyJBritner This guest blog is about another of those “anti-shooting petitions”. This time, it’s a petition to the Welsh assembly to “Introduce a Licence to…
Saturday’s Walk for Wildlife
I’m fairly sure we won’t see Michael Gove on Saturday. The timing of a Walk for Wildlife isn’t great for the Secretary of State for Badger Culling. The Wildlife Trusts estimate that we might see nearly 41,000 Badgers killed in 2018 now that the cull has been extended to 11 new areas. The England and…
Unpublished, but talked about, grouse studies
Last year I wrote about the grouse shooting industry’s habit of speaking in public about what are allegedly the results of studies that suit their case but where the findings are not in the public domain. In 2016 we had Ian Botham and Matt Ridley referring to a report which has still not been published…
A Bluffer’s Guide to Agriculture Policy (1)
I wonder what the new Agriculture Bill will deliver for us (and I’ll come back to who ‘us’ is later). When (if) we leave the EU then we will also leave the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) which has been a much-criticised part of our lives for more than four decades. If we are to say…
Paul Leyland – Black Sexton Beetle
Paul writes: I see lots of black beetles and many of them are quite difficult to identify. This is one of the easier ones. It is quite large, 18 – 26mm long, with a chunky looking body and distinctive orange tipped antennae. It belongs to the family Silphidae, commonly known as burying beetles. They emerge…