Tim Melling – Common Rosefinch

Tim writes: I have heard this bird described by three different names plus one uncomplimentary nickname.  The official name is Common Rosefinch, but older bird books describe it as Scarlet Rosefinch or Scarlet Grosbeak.  But there are dozens of Rosefinch species in Asia, most of which have pink males, so scarlet doesn’t really differentiate it. …

Hen Harrier Saturday

I’ll be here today… …because this happens… … and governments aren’t doing nearly enough to stop it. #stopkillinghenharriers

Hen Harrier weekend coming up

What a bird eh? This is a food pass in mid air where the male (above) passes prey that he has caught to the female (below) who takes it back to the nest and the chicks. What a sight! And what a brilliantly captured image by Gordon Yates. Yet these protected birds are very rarely…

Bowland Gull Cull 22

Dear Mr Mark Avery, Thank you for your complaint of Sunday the 5th of August 2018, regarding RFI 3929. We are committed to fully investigating all complaints from our customers and you will receive a response at stage 1 of the complaints process no later than Tuesday the 28th of August 2018. Our complaints procedure…