Bowland Gull Cull 16 – the MoU

Reading NE’s reponse to me (a response after over a year) it looked like there might not have been any consent to kill Lesser Black-backed Gull in the Bowland Fells SPA that was partly notified to protect them. But the next place to look seemed to be the MoU that NE sent me and which…

Bowland Gull Cull 15 – NE’s much-delayed response to FoI/EIR request

After more than a year, Natural England are beginning to come clean about their role in the Bowland Gull Cull (see here for series of earlier blogs). This is the letter I received from NE last Monday afternoon. At face value, this might give the impression that there was no consent for a gull cull. …

Paul Leyland – Common Awl Robberfly

Paul writes: Robberflies, as the name suggests, are predatory flies and their main source of food is other insects. They usually perch up, waiting for a suitable victim, then once found make a flying hop onto the prey. The flies have a short strong proboscis, which they use to stab their kill and inject it…