I’m at the Bird Fair yet again

Day 3 of the Bird Fair and I have a lot of conversations to finish among all those which I haven’t even started!

Here in east Northants it’s a bit of a cloudy blowy start to the day and it looks as though that’s what it will be like at Bird Fair too. It won’t be as sweaty as yesterday but there is the chance of the odd shower.

If you have a chat to me today then you’ll probably be asked whether you’d be prepared to sign this petition to ask the Icelandic PM to do her best to end whaling in Icelandic waters. Of the people I have asked to sign this petition, only two have said no, and even they said they were going to have a look at it after the talk about Iceland that they were just about to attend.

By NordForsk [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Dear Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland

Each year the British Birdwatching Fair brings together thousands of people from all walks of life, and many different nationalities, who want to make the world a better place for wildlife.

We know, with its strong environmental ethos, that your party has a firm policy opposing whaling. We are also aware of your own wish to see it stopped and we support you in your efforts to make this happen.

Please do all you can to end this awful activity which so tarnishes the image of your beautiful country.

I think we are heading towards a few hundred signatures – it’s quite a task to chat up the Bird Fair crowd!  But there are small piles of petitions dotted around the Bird Fair on a range of stands and I’ll be collecting them up towards the end of the day.

The petition is available on the stands of some wildlife travel firms and I am very grateful to them for their enthusiastic cooperation. It’s a good example of an industry coming together to exert reasonable, polite, political pressure to make the world a better place:

Greentours, Marquee 1, stand 13

Sunbird, Marquee 2, stand 85-86

Orcadian Wildlife, Marquee 2, stand 68

Discover the World, Marquee 3, stand 8-9

Wildlife Worldwide, Marquee 6 Stands 25-26

Travelling Naturalist, Marquee 6, stand 27

Naturetrek, Marquee 6, stand 38-40

Heatherlea, Marquee 6, stand 57-59

Also on:

Birdwatch, Marquee 2, stands 97-100

Mike Langman, Art Marquee, stand 23

David Tipling and Chris Gomersall, Art Marquee, 1-2

ORCA, Marquee 5, stand 22

Falklands Conservation, Marquee 1, stand 4

… and probably it has got to lots of other stands of which I am not yet aware.  thank you to everyone who has supported it on Days 1 and 2.

Enjoy the Authors’ Forum and the more-than-usually sustainable food at the Bird Fair – I’ll be reporting on my day when I get home this evening.

Bird Fair holiday companies are in the news too.


1 Reply to “I’m at the Bird Fair yet again”

  1. Make no mistake Mark you do a tremendous amount for wildlife including raising support for the cause and informing people. Terrific stuff. You started as a thorn in the side of driven grouse shooting, now you are a dagger and soon with everyone’s support you will be a sword and finally you will wield the executioners axe.
    Keep it up you are doing, on behalf of many many people a fantastic job for all the wildlife that can’t speak for itself.

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