Chris Hind says; ‘I live near the Geltsdale Nature Reserve and every spring we are out on the uplands looking for potential breeding Hen Harriers. Driven grouse shooting takes place on two blocks of moorland adjacent to the reserve where we hope Hen Harriers will breed. I would love to see these fantastic birds…
John Armitage says ‘Ban driven grouse shooting’
Former RSPB regional officer John Armitage, who has years of experience of Bowland and the north of England generally, was the person who, back in 2013, started an e-petition calling for licensing of driven grouse shooting. That e-petition received the usual casual brush off from Defra (and unfortunately only luke warm support from the RSPB)…
Bill Oddie says ‘Ban driven grouse shooting’
Bill Oddie, comedian and birder says: ‘Driven Grouse!? You mean they have chauffeurs? If only. They are being driven to their deaths. Blasted by the guns of those who might well have chauffeurs!. The very definition of a Cruel Sport. It should be banned.‘ To join Bill Oddie, please sign Gavin Gamble’s e-petition which calls…
The last 8 days for Gavin Gamble’s e-petition
Many congratulatons to Gavin Gamble, whatever happens in the next eight days; your e-petition has topped 40,000 signatures, and passed 41,000, and that makes it a highly-supported, highly-popular and highly-successful one. Well done! Gavin’s e-petition added 3,000 signatures in the last week. In contrast, the Jane Griggs ‘support’ grouse shooting e-petition has almost ground to…
Paul Leyland – Dark-edged Bee Fly
Paul writes: This is an early spring fly, which I’m hoping to see in the next week or so, however the recent cold weather may put things back a week or more. This one I found last year, on 30 March, at Burton Riggs Nature Reserve, near Scarborough. The Dark-edged Bee-fly (Bombylius major) occurs throughout…