Yorkshire Dales have a lead mountain to climb.
As the Yorkshire Dales National Park drags itself, with the help of a public consultation, towards the twenty-first century it may have to work very hard on some of its board members to take the journey. Adrian Thornton-Berry is a member of the YDNP Management Plan Steering group committee, a Moorland Association committee member and…
Two Manx Hen Harriers die of natural causes
It does happen – it’s strange that we don’t hear more about Hen Harriers dying of natural causes. The RSPB has released information on the deaths of two young Hen Harriers satellite-tagged (as chicks) this year. Mannin failed to complete the sea crossing between the IoM and SW Scotland whereas Grayse died on the IoM…
Yorkshire Dales National Park takes note?
English National Parks in the uplands, particularly the Yorkshire Dales NP, Peak District NP and North Yorks Moors NP (and while we are at it the Nidderdale AONB, Forest of Bowland AONB and North Pennines AONB) are being forced by public pressure to address the issues of wildlife crime and raptor persecution in their areas….
Wild food (1) – Chanterelles by Ian Carter
We read a lot these days about the benefits of connecting with nature and I’ve yet to find a better way of connecting with it than by finding, collecting and eating it. This very simple act really does change our relationship with wildlife in a way that’s hard to explain to those who haven’t yet…