Guest blog – New Natural Areas by Steve Jones

  Steve Jones has worked in conservation in the UK and overseas for two decades, promoting wildlife-friendly farming and designated site conservation in the UK, and large mammal conservation in the tropics. He writes on wildlife-friendly farming, land sparing and rewilding and wrote a guest blog, England’s Serengeti, for this blog, back in January.  …

Reflections on the 2017 Bird Fair (3)

Here are some suggestions for how the Bird Fair could help nature conservation even more than it does at the moment. Some are my ideas and others are good ideas from other people.  They come in two lists – the less contentious list and the more contentious list and, I’ll keep stressing this, they are…

Reflections on the 2017 Bird Fair (2)

I’ll come back to using the Bird Fair for political leverage this evening – this blog is a mixture of thoughts about how it could be a little bit better for attendees. These thoughts have been derived from in-depth surveys of people in my car heading to or from the Bird Fair and a few…