Sunday book review – Shrewdunnit by Conor Mark Jameson

There are two things I like a lot about this book – and four things about which I am less keen. The two are overwhelmingly more important than the four. Shall I get the four niggles out of the way first? I shall. I don’t like the title, I’m not drawn in by the cover,…

Sunday book review – A history of birdwatching in 100 objects by David Callahan

This is a book worth reading.  Before you do read it, play the game yourself. What would be your 100 objects that capture the history of birdwatching? That’s what I did, and I found it difficult to come up with a list and so I am grateful to the effort that David Callahan went to,…

Sunday book review – Meadowland by John Lewis-Stempel

There is grass, and there are meadows. They aren’t the same. As you travel around the countryside, particularly in the west of Britain (although, as in other respects, the country used to be less polarised than it now is), you will see a lot of grass.  It looks pretty, or, at least, quite pretty, but…