Paying farmers by results 2

Last week I posted a blog about paying by results in agri-environment schemes which generated lots of comments.  Here’s another way that we could pay by results.  Like any system, including the current failing one, this proposal has its problems of monitoring, cost, fairness etc but it’s worth thinking about alternatives when the current system…

Paying by results

Your money is not being spent well in funding English agri-environment schemes.  This used to be what the current Defra Ministers, James Paice and Richard Benyon, said while they were in Opposition but precious little has changed since they came into positions of being able to influence things. The agri-environment programme is voluntary for farmers…

Yesterday – three strands

I enjoyed yesterday. I launched the Nature of Harming ‘award’ and it generated a lot of interest.  Around 250 votes yesterday was pretty good and there was a clear leader at the end of the day.  Lots of varied comments and debate – very interesting.  If you haven’t voted yet then please do so here. …

Still in denial

Guy Smith, just an ordinary farmer (not!), was doing his usual thing of trying to undermine the Farmland Bird Index on Farming Today yesterday.  He has been making the same points for years and he knows perfectly well what the answers to them are.  But this time he seemed to have quite a lot of…

20:26 Vision

Have a look at the CPRE vision for farming in 2026.  I wonder what farmers think of it. As a vision it’s got a lot of what I would like to see from farming – and of course you and I invest in farming to the tune of well over £2bn per annum so it’s…