What the public wants

According to a survey by ICMResearch for CPRE more than four out of five of the public believe that farmers have a responsibility to look after the landscape and wildlife for future generations – so most people are wrong!  I don’t think that farmers have that responsibility but I am grateful to those who behave…

Where was the bulldog spirit on 19 December Mrs Spelman?

We used to talk about joined up government, but I haven’t heard the phrase used so often these days.  Maybe that’s just as well when the Defra Secretary of State regards biodiversity as the spice of life and the Chancellor regards it as the kiss of death for the economy. But we would have to…

You are directly affected, but Defra has forgotten you

Defra has started a consultation on reform of the Common Agricultural Policy – don’t panic, you have until 5 March to respond.  But Defra only wants views from those who may be affected by these proposals.  And that appears to mean English farmers, environmental groups, rural communities, non-governmental organisations and other interested parties.  But there…

Jim Paice doesn’t make stewardship pledge to taxpayers

The Defra Agriculture Minister James Paice told his fellow farmers that he wanted them to be able to opt out of their current agri-environment agreements if CAP reform changed the rules.  This seems fair enough to me.  I can’t quickly find his words on the Defra website but the Farmers Weekly report them here.  Mr…

Lots of stuff!

I was pleased to see that in Martin Harper’s blog yesterday (which is always worth reading after you’ve read this one) that Martin encouraged RSPB members to sign up to the epetition on vicarious liability.  I expect that the RSPB will give this a bigger push in the New Year and I will let you…